Gorgeous Doll Face
Persian Kittens
Napoleon Munchkins Coming SOON!
Doll Face Persian Kittens &
Napoleon Munckins

Blue Persian

Persian kittens- All kittens will have Health Certifications, shots and deworming. Rare Black, Creme and Flame Points, Seal Point, Blue Point, Calico, Tortoise Point, Smoked, Bi-Color, Dilutes, Lynx Point and Tabby's . Average 4 to 5 litters per year. Deposit and payment plans available . Payment plans are between kittens age birth to 8 weeks only.
I will only accept a deposit via this site. I think this is a very important process, and I do not take full payment via this website only Deposits. You must contact me to recieve your Contract and verification that a deposit has been succesful.
I want to know who you are, and have a conversation with you. I do not ship kitties EVER, to stressful and terrifying for babies, but I do offer some delivery options via by car. I will drive them myself as to create a less stressful transition.I can even fly to your destination with your kitty for a fee.
If you have an interest in one of my babies Just visit my FB page and PM me I'd be happy to discuss any topic you choose,. Or Simply write me via email at purrrrfectpersian@aol.com
The Story of The Persian Breed
The Persian is a long-haired breed of cat characterized by its round face and shortened muzzle. In Britain, it is called the Longhair or Persian Longhair.
It is also known as the Shiraz or Shirazi, particularly in the Middle East. The first documented ancestors of the Persian were imported into western Europe from Persia and Turkey around 1620.
Recognized by the cat fancy since the late 19th century, it was developed first by the English, and then mainly by American breeders after the Second World War.
The Traditional Persian also known as Doll Face Persian is considered to be essentially the original breed of Persian cat, without the development of extreme features.
The CFA however regulates the peke-face, flat-nose "ultra" Persian as the "true" standard for this breed. The recently named Traditional breed has not changed its physical appearance but some breeders in America, Germany and Italy and other parts of the world started to interpret the standard differently, and thus developed the ultra over time, as the result of two genetic mutations. The ultras and peke face and exotics also tend to have way more hereditarial and genetic health problems due to their extremely pronounced flat faces.

Special Promotional Discounts
Check our Facebook page for unique discount offers for doll face persian kittens.

Kitten of the month!
A picture of our most popular kitten on Facebook
Doll Face Persian .

Purrrrfect Persians Bloodline is free from PKD and feline aids.
Kittens prices are 700 and Up
Kittens are negative for parasites.
Kittens are examined free of external parasites including fleas, ticks, and ear mites.
Kittens receive an overall check-up including heart, ears, and eyes.
Kittens receive age appropriate vaccinations.
Kittens receive deworming medication.
My kittens come with a written health guarantee against serious genetic health issues. This guarantee is also part of an agreement requiring you to provide your kitten with quality care and quality food . We suggest keeping a record of all vaccinations as part of your Persian kittens health information.

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